We, Ronald and Karin, have been working in business for decades. We have experienced and helped shape many developments, initially as employees and later as managers. We were there when the computer was introduced and the labor laws were revised. We have experienced economic crises, optimism and lots of change. Industry 4.0, Corona and digitalization challenge us and we are still learning.
We have acquired many strategies, methods and concepts. Process optimization, continuous improvement and situational leadership remain relevant, while transformation, resilience and generative leadership come into focus.
Today, companies face very complex challenges. Changes in business models, shortages of skilled workers, delivery bottlenecks, generational conflicts, cost pressure and equal rights are just a few examples.
There is widespread agreement that corporate culture is one of the most important success factors for companies. Nevertheless, we experience massive contradictions in the attitude and behavior of employees and managers towards their mission statements in all parts of the working world.
Unfortunately, discrimination of all kinds is widespread. Racism and sexism are the most serious examples. Bullying, age-related bias and unequal pay also cause problems.
We are still regularly confronted with discrimination in the world of work. Often we do not encounter this openly, but rather through the behavior and attitudes of management.
The mission of At-The-Workplace is to raise awareness about discrimination – especially against women – in the world of work.
We want to make top managers and decision-makers aware that they, in particular, carry the responsibility through their actions (or inaction) for preventing discrimination.
We want to raise awareness, change attitudes and foster respectful leadership behavior!
On our website we offer the opportunity to share experiences and stories.
We would be very happy if you also shared your experiences and stories.
Unlike many social media platforms, you can – if you want – express yourself anonymously here.
Send us your story and we will publish it.
PS: We have also compiled links to other interesting websites and lots of additional resources.
We are:
Ronald Kallan
Transformation Coach
Ronald Kallan | Transformation Coach
Karin Schmitt
Business Design Coach
Karin Schmitt | Business Design Coach